I work with artists + small businesses looking to create or revamp their web presence.

Freelance Web Development

⟟ Philadelphia

I prioritize accessibility for both users and clients, ensuring that every web presence I create is inclusive and user-friendly. With a Full Stack Web Development Certification from the University of Pennsylvania's intensive coding program, I'm trained in both front-end and back-end development. Additionally, I have a Bachelor's degree in Art History from Temple University, giving me a unique perspective on design and aesthetics, allowing me to direct or assist the creative process for a web project. By leveraging agile methodologies, I collaborate closely with clients to deliver optimized and impactful websites.

I'm always open to new & interesting projects - let's work together to bring your vision to life online!

Recent Projects

Lead collaborative project to revamp website for a large makerspace in South Philadelphia. Elements include animation, filtered tenant directory, events calendar, and multi-layered navigation.

Year: 2024
Scope: Project management, development, design assistance
Design: Kelley Garrard
View site: Bok <>

Ongoing development needs for the existing site of a boutique hotel and shop in Philadelphia. Notably built booking widgets for hotel page and post-launch quality assurance.

Year: 2023 - Current
Scope: Development
View site: Yowie <>

Solo development and design project for a boutique hotel and event space in Philadelphia.

Year: 2023
Scope: Development, design
Branding: Kelley Garrard
View site: The Deacon <>

Currently in development: a contemporary but accessible website for a new apartment building coming soon to South Philly. The site functions as a marketing tool for attracting and informing potential renters, as well as a tool for residents to easily connect with the company. Full site coming soon!

Scope: Development, design assistance
Design: Kelley Garrard
View site: The Parker <>

Found creative HTML + CSS solutions for this retailer's Shopify site so it could reach the client's vision for design + functionality, espcially to overcome areas where Shopify limits design. Included Flodesk integration and small cosmetic adjustments.

Scope: Development
View site: Minimal Chaos <>

Lead collaborative project to revamp website for a seasonal rooftop bar in Philadelphia. User experience design reduced an overwhelmingly high volume of phone and email questions to basically zero.

Scope: Project management, UX design, development
View site: Bok Bar <>

A quick 2 week turn around for this site that needed full design and Squarespace development with existing branding. Custom code elements included original fonts, icon replacement for default cursor, and rotating marquees.

Scope: Development
View site: Wes' Rib House <>

Hand holding phone of the homepage of this site

Designed and developed a single-page, animated site for a temporary World Cup event space at the historic Armory in Providence, RI. To increase accessibility for all intended users, prioritized a language selector from Google Translate and an accessibility tool.

Scope: Development, design

Creative solutions for an artist portfolio that doubles as two seperate e-commerce brands under one Squarespace subscription. Primary challenges included UX design for a multitude of brands, as well as custom code to create seperate headers, navigation, branding, and menus.

Scope: Development, UX
View site: Ben Peterson <>

Replicated the antiquated Wordpress homepage on Squarespace and expanded on design and content for additional pages. Project began with a collaborative consultation to explore various revamp options and host-sites.

Scope: Development
View site: My ND <>

Replace Weebly site with an expanded new Squarespace site; including eight pages, Acuity Scheduling integration, and new branding. Designed + developed entire site prior to equipping business owner with the tools to continue expanding format and design.

Scope: Development
View site: The Pottery Gym <>

There's always a way to conquer Squarespace's limitations- I suggest you never settle, no matter how minor the feature. CSS code injections allowed for names + roles to be revealed on hover.

Scope: Custom improvements
Design: Fink Creative

Customized breakpoint for the nav bar on this client's site to solve the issue of overlapping nav elements. Created a responsive design for desktop, tablet, and mobile views.

Scope: Custom improvements
Design: Fink Creative

Lead front end + back end developer for an original e-commerce trading site with experimental concept primarily using Node.js, Express.js, and MySQL.

Scope: Development, design
See more: Bottom Drawer Marketplace on Github <>

Image of someone's hands logging into the application on an iPhone

Lead UX design and front end development for MooLah, an original tip-tracking browser app with advanced features like account security, a RESTful calendar, data graphing, and the NYT API.

Scope: Development, design assistance
Design: Kelley Garrard
View site: MooLah on Github <>

HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript React.js jQuery Handlebars Bootstrap MaterializeUI
HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript React.js jQuery Handlebars Bootstrap MaterializeUI
HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript React.js jQuery Handlebars Bootstrap MaterializeUI
HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript React.js jQuery Handlebars Bootstrap MaterializeUI
HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript React.js jQuery Handlebars Bootstrap MaterializeUI
HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript React.js jQuery Handlebars Bootstrap MaterializeUI
HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript React.js jQuery Handlebars Bootstrap MaterializeUI
HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript React.js jQuery Handlebars Bootstrap MaterializeUI
Node.JS Express.js MySQL Sequelize MongoDB Mongoose Apollo GraphQL
Node.JS Express.js MySQL Sequelize MongoDB Mongoose Apollo GraphQL
Node.JS Express.js MySQL Sequelize MongoDB Mongoose Apollo GraphQL
Node.JS Express.js MySQL Sequelize MongoDB Mongoose Apollo GraphQL
Node.JS Express.js MySQL Sequelize MongoDB Mongoose Apollo GraphQL
Node.JS Express.js MySQL Sequelize MongoDB Mongoose Apollo GraphQL
Node.JS Express.js MySQL Sequelize MongoDB Mongoose Apollo GraphQL
Node.JS Express.js MySQL Sequelize MongoDB Mongoose Apollo GraphQL


Development for the Bok Building

Lead the redevelopment of the website for an adaptive-reuse maker space in Philadelphia, in collaboration with a graphic designer. Lead UX design, assisted with the rest of the design process, and build the site on Squarespace, adding on almost 1k lines of custom code, a filtering widget, and custom multi-layer navigation.

See here

Ongoing development needs for Yowie

Post-development with another agency, I assist this client with all development needs, which has so far included the addition of a booking widget to their hotel page, announcement bars, pop-ups, static buttons, and  cosmetic edits like spacing and positioning.

See here

Design + Development for the Deacon

Worked solely on the redesign and development of a boutique hotel and event space's website, which had existing branding and graphics. Developed on Squarespace with the addition of custom fonts, custom header/footer/mobile navigation layout, and animations.

See here

Development for The Parker

Currently in development for a modern but accessible website for a new apartment building coming soon to South Philly. The site functions as a marketing tool for attracting and informing potential renters, as well as a tool for residents to easily connect with the company. Full site coming soon!

See here
Screenshot of Minimal Chaos's landing page with a rolled up rug and a button that says "Shop now"

Custom code for Minimal Chaos

Found creative HTML + CSS solutions for this retailer's Shopify site so it could reach the client's vision for design + functionality, espcially to overcome areas where Shopify limits design. Included Flodesk integration and small cosmetic adjustments.

See here

Project Management for Bok Bar

Worked between a graphic designer and the client for a full refresh on the bar + event space's website. Sourced all content, lead UX design, and assisted with custom code during Squarespace development.

See here
gif of e-commerce site with hat image and moving text

Development + Design for Amazulu Collections

Squarespace revamp for a fashion e-commerce site. The scope of this solo project included UX exploration, design, content sourcing, and development. Custom code included a language selector tool from Google Translate and an accessibility tool.

See Here

Design + Development for Wes' Rib House

A quick 2 week turn around for this site that needed full design and Squarespace development with existing branding. Custom code elements included original fonts, icon replacement for default cursor, and rotating marquees.

See here

Development + Design for MyND

Replicated the antiquated Wordpress homepage on Squarespace and expanded on design and content for additional pages. Project began with a collaborative consultation to explore various revamp options and host-sites.

See here

Development for The Pottery Gym

Replace Weebly site with an expanded new Squarespace site; including eight pages, Acuity Scheduling integration, and new branding. Designed + developed entire site prior to equipping business owner with the tools to continue expanding format and design.

See here

Development + Design for an artist portfolio

Creative solutions for an artist portfolio that doubles as two seperate e-commerce brands under one Squarespace subscription. Primary challenges included UX design for a multitude of brands, as well as custom code to create seperate headers, branding, and menus.

See Here
gif of site with team member images and cursor hovering over each

Custom code for C/G Realty

There's always a way to conquer Squarespace's limitations- I suggest you never settle, no matter how minor the feature. CSS code injections allowed for names + roles to be revealed on hover.

Hand holding phone of the homepage of this site

Development for a World Cup event site

Designed this single page site using marketing materials and full development on Squarespace. Additional custom code included a language selector tool from Google Translate and an accessibility tool.

Screenshot of homepage

Glitch maintenance for Beck Stavely

Edited HTML + CSS to customize breakpoint for the nav bar on this client's site. This site already had custom ordering of nav components but as the screen size reduced, elements overlapped. The code solution broke the nav into mobile layout at a much larger screen width.

Check it out
Screenshot of a Von Dutch purse listing on a resale website.

Full-stack development for Bottom Drawer Marketplace

Lead front end + back end developer for an original e-commerce trading site with experimental concept primarily using Node.js, Express.js, and MySQL.

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Image of someone's hands logging into the application on an iPhone

Development for a tip tracking app

Lead UX design and front end development for MooLah, an original browser app with andvanced features like account security, a RESTful calendar, data graphing, and the NYT API.

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webflow squarespace shopify wordpress wix
webflow squarespace shopify wordpress wix
webflow squarespace shopify wordpress wix
webflow squarespace shopify wordpress wix
webflow squarespace shopify wordpress wix
webflow squarespace shopify wordpress wix
webflow squarespace shopify wordpress wix
webflow squarespace shopify wordpress wix

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